Land Registry Fee Calculator | Calculate HMLR Fees Online

Choose an Application type to view the corresponding fee:

From 9 December, all fees for information services will increase by £4. Click here to View All Changes

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Enter the transaction value (including any VAT payable) rounded down to the nearest £ (eg 49750).

Sorry only numerical values including zero are accepted.

Where there is no premium and no rent (which includes a peppercorn rent) enter the market value of the lease (assessed under article 7 of the Fee Order).

If you are unsure how to assess the transaction value, please consult the relevant section of the Fee Order

Enter the transaction value (including any VAT payable) rounded down to the nearest £ (eg 49750).

Sorry only numerical values including zero are accepted.

The fee will be assessed on the value of the land. Do not use any consideration paid in the transfer. If you are unsure how to assess the transaction value, please consult the relevant section of the Fee Order


Enter the rent payable (including any VAT) rounded down to the nearest £.

Sorry only numerical values including zero are accepted.

Rent payable is the largest amount of annual rent the lease reserves (a) within the first five years of its term or (b) in any year, where the term is less than five years. Where the lease is for a term of less than one year, the rent payable is the rent for the term.

Where there is a peppercorn rent or other rent having no money value, or rent that cannot be quantified in money at the date of the application, enter £0.

Is this a Voluntary Application?

Application type

Applicable fee scale

Stated value

This value is based on the transaction value and/or the rent payable.

You entered either £0 or an invalid transaction value so £0 has been assumed.

To enter a new value click 'Start again' below.

You entered either £0 or an invalid rent payable so £0 has been assumed.

To enter a new value click 'Start again' below.

You entered either £0 or an invalid transaction value and rent payable so £0 for both has been assumed.

To enter a new value click 'Start again' below.

Standard Fee

(This figure includes a voluntary application reduction.)

Electronic Fee


Find out about Fees: HM Land Registry guides

Please note reduced fees for electronic applications only apply to Dealings of Whole.

This application can be submitted electronically, however please note reduced fees for electronic applications only apply to applications affecting the whole of a registered title.

This application can be submitted electronically.