About Us

Welcome to the Land Registry Fee Calculator

If you have bought a property and want to register it with the UK Land Registry, our tool can be of great help to you.
This website will help you to calculate the fees required for Land Registry. Our online tool is very easy to use, you just need to select the type of your application and enter the total of the property then you will immediately see the details of how much it will cost for Land Registry.

About Author

Sagar Dhoran Patil is the founder and author of Land Registry Fee Calculator. He is a land and property lawyer. Presently practicing law in London. Sagar Patil with 7 years of experience has handled many cases related to Land and property.

We are trying to spread awareness about Land Registry among people living in UK.

Our team currently consists of 3 people out of which two are studying to be advocates.

if you have any problem related to our website please feel free to contact us admin@landregistryfeecalculator.com

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