Leasehold Extension Calculator

Leasehold Extension Calculator: Buying a leasehold property in the UK is a good option. You can enjoy ownership without the hassle of maintaining the entire building. But remember, the lease period is limited. As the lease expires, the asset’s value and security diminish. In such cases, consider a lease extension. With a lease extension, you can extend the lease term and take control of the value and future of your property. Here you can calculate the estimated cost of the lease extension using the Leasehold Extension Calculator.

Leasehold Extension Calculator
Leasehold Extension Calculator

Understanding Lease Extensions

Simply put, a leasehold property is a long-term rental agreement between the owner of the land (the freeholder) and you (the leaseholder). This agreement states the term of the lease (how many years you will rent the property) and how much rent you will pay the freeholder each year.

As the lease expires, the value of the land depreciates. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the rent to resell the lease to earn money and maintain your financial security. Leasehold Extension is Now easy to calculate by using our Leasehold Extension Calculator.

Leasehold Extension Calculator

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The Leasehole Extension Process Explained

The Lease Laws Amendment Act 1993 gives the lessee the right to extend the lease up to 90 years and to reduce the ground rent to a pepper (nominal amount). The process is as follows:


  • You must own the property for at least 2 years.
  • The lease term must be less than 80 years (70 years in some cases) remaining.


  • Notice: You may want to inform the freeholder of your intention to extend the lease by giving a section 42 notice.
  • Negotiation: This involves you and the freeholder talking about how much you will pay (premium) to extend the lease. Both of you can hire a surveyor to assess the property and determine the appropriate premium.
  • Contract: If you both agree on the premium, make a contract. If you do not agree, you can approach the Leasehold Valuation Tribunal (LVT), which will determine the premium.
  • Completion: Once the premium is fixed, the legal works are completed and the lease is officially extended.

Lease Extension Calculator HMRC

If you live in the UK, our Leasehold Extension Calculator helps you understand the likely cost of your lease extension. Our calculator can be useful to you in many ways

  1. Initial estimate: These calculators give you an estimate of how much your lease extension might cost. This makes it easier for you to budget and plan ahead.
  2. Comparison Tool: Using the Leasehold Calculator you can compare the estimated premiums available on various platforms.
  3. Inclusion of Important Factors: This calculator takes into account factors that commonly affect your lease increase, such as the remaining lease term, property value and ground rent. This gives you a better idea of ​​what the process involves.

Effective Strategies for a Successful Lease Extension

Lease extension can be a complex process, but by using the right preparation and strategies, you can increase your chances of success.

Some effective tips:

  • Gather Information: Before starting, gather all the documents like lease agreement, service charge records and property status.
  • Consult an expert: Consult an attorney who specializes in lease law. They will help you understand your rights and guide you in legal matters.
  • Hire a surveyor: A surveyor skilled in lease extensions can assess your property and negotiate a fair rent with the freeholder’s surveyor.
  • Prepare: Study recent lease extensions in your area. This will give you market knowledge and strengthen your negotiation skills.
  • Communicate: Maintain open and positive communication with the freeholder.
  • Consider ADR: If negotiations get stuck, try to reach an amicable settlement using mediation instead of going to LVT.

Recent Leasehold Reform Act Changes (as of June 1, 2024)

The Leasehold Reform Act, which comes into effect from 1 June 2024, aims to make lease extensions more affordable and easier for leaseholders in the UK.

Major changes and their implications:

  • Lower premiums for shorter leases: Previously, premiums for lease extensions were calculated using a formula that heavily burdened lessees with shorter remaining lease terms. The new law seeks to lower premiums for leases with less than 80 years remaining, making extensions more affordable.
  • Increased premiums for long leases: Premiums may increase for lease extensions for leases remaining for more than 80 years. This is to allocate costs more evenly between lessees with shorter and longer remaining lease terms.
  • Limits on ground rent: The new law limits increases in ground rent, making leasehold ownership more attractive and predictable in the long term.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is a lease extension and why is it important?

A lease extension provides several benefits to leasehold owners, including:
1) Extension of lease term: Lease extension allows owners to extend their lease term, typically up to 90 years. This gives them long-term security in their assets and allows them to plan for their future.
2) Reduction of Annual Ground Rent: Lease extension allows owners to reduce the annual ground rent to a minimum. This can be financially beneficial for them, especially if the rent is high.
3) Increase in property value: Lease extension can increase the property value significantly. This is because a property with a longer lease term becomes more attractive and marketable.
4) Improve marketability: Lease extension improves the marketability of the property. This is because properties with longer lease terms become more attractive to buyers.

Are online lease extension calculators still helpful?

Yes, Leasehold Extension calculator can give you an idea of ​​the approximate premium. But there have been changes under the new law, so to know the exact premium, it is necessary to get an assessment from a professional who knows the law.

What are some effective strategies for a successful lease extension?

1) Consult lawyers and surveyors: Understand your legal rights, get an accurate valuation of your property and seek help from lawyers and surveyors to strengthen your side in negotiations.
2) Study your situation: Understand how the new law will affect your rent. Check if your rent can be reduced.
3) Make a negotiation strategy: If your remaining lease term is short, you can insist on a lower rent. Compare the sale value of your property with other rental properties in the market.
4) Get information: Use resources from government and leasing advisory organizations to learn about the definitions of the new law and your rights.

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